Complete Terms of Service/User Agreement and Privacy Policy must be agreed to prior to purchase.


  • CDazzled Webs does not allow pornographic material.
  • CDazzled Webs does not allow unsolicited email and requires opt-in list managers to include at least one single action method of unsubscribing in each email. We reserve the right to limit incoming or outgoing email at any time.
  • CDazzled Webs reserves the right to terminate your account at any time without a refund. Reasons for termination include, but are not limited to:
  1. Abuse of the machines – either intentional or due to improper coding.
  2. Committing or Promoting any type of illegal activity including fraud, mailbombing, denial of service attacks, storing and/or housing and/or linking to illegal content, including but not limited to, “warez”, “hacking”/”cracking”/”key generators”.
  3. The Services to traffic in illegal drugs, gambling and/or obscene materials.
  4. The Services to misappropriate or infringe the patents, copyrights, trademarks or other intellectual property rights of any third party.
  5. Additionally, CDazzled Webs reserves the right to terminate your account if at any time your site has pornography and/or nudity of any kind, including but not limited to, adult pornography, Anime, child pornography, “adult content” and/or the written word of a sexual nature.
  6. Use of ad-servers, attempts to circumvent quota system owned by ‘nobody’, certain podcasting sites, use of torrent software, proxies, excessive resource usage or ‘core dumping’.
  7. Attempts to circumvent any of our security policies, procedures or systems.

  1. This could be a headline Or a very long sentence, whichever works better for your content.
    1. Here is a green alphabetical list
    2. Here is another entry for the green alphabetical list
      1. here is a roman numeral entry
  2. This could be a headline Or a very long sentence, whichever works better for your content.
    1. Here is a green alphabetical list
    2. Here is another entry for the green alphabetical list
      1. here is a roman numeral entry

  3. This could be a headline Or a very long sentence, whichever works better for your content.
    1. Here is a green alphabetical list
    2. Here is another entry for the green alphabetical list
      1. here is a roman numeral entry

  4. This could be a headline Or a very long sentence, whichever works better for your content.
    1. Here is a green alphabetical list
    2. Here is another entry for the green alphabetical list
      1. here is a roman numeral entry

© 2018 - 2024 CDazzled Webs, LLC
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